Partner with Stephen

As a full-time intercessory missionary who travels internationally, spreading the message of the power of the Holy Spirit and Deliverance,  Stephen does not receive any salary, but raises his own support.

It is his joy and responsibility to do missions work with a partnership team.  Below are two ways to partner with him and family:

(All Donations are tax-deductible through Stephen’s 501c3)

Monthly Financial Partnership

A team of monthly partners is essential for Stephen to continue in the work of the ministry. Recurring support enables Stephen and family to plan out living and ministry expenses, and devote energy to the assignments the Lord has given.

Special Gifts

Occasional and one time donations are a way of investing into the ministry as the Lord would lead, without on-going commitment and are always a blessing!

Through financial partnership Stephen is enabled to give his life, in obedience to the call to help set the captives free, and strengthen the body of Christ.  It is only made possible through people like you, giving and sowing into the work of the kingdom.

Thank You

For your continued support and prayers!